Tuesday, October 21, 2008

In summation...

This has been an exhausting semester. Each workshop was new, demanding and challenging but also equally enjoyable, stimulating and rewarding.

After some reflection I have come to the conclusion that models, drawings, films and architecture are not at all dissimilar. All are inextricably linked in that they are all drawn from creating objects which do not satisfy our needs but our wants.

Perhaps beauty is a strong word, but for drawings, models, films and architecture to be successful they must all be desirable- hence aesthetically pleasing. This can be achieved though careful composition, consideration of representation of forms and space, appropriateness of medium and techniques, representation and omission and balance and harmony of colour (to name but a few factors)- all of which can be achieved though thoughtful creativity and sharp, precise observation.

(Continued throughout)


I felt that contrary to popular belief- film-making was a workshop which definitely required a great variety of skill and the incorporation of fluidity, spatiality and precision in equal amounts. One worked with drawing, sculpture, photography and film-making in equal amounts. It was particularly interesting in that it required you to integrate lots of ways of communication into a cohesive whole- something we will have to learn as architects, when all we will have are models and drawings to communicate a not-yet existing space.

Not only were we dealing with 2D images and sculptures, but we were also dealing with the movement between one still and the next, hence moving into ideas of fluidity.

I found this workshop to be equally enjoyable and informative. Stop-motion film is an incredibly exciting media in which I see endless possibilities. It is definitely something that I am looking forward to work with again.

My favourite out-take from the first film.

The film that sparked my final submission.

The final result.

Some of my favourite slides from the film.


Precision was key particularly in model-making. In order to create a successful, flush, attractive and accurate model, precision was of paramount importance. In fact- I find the model’s main appeal is how accurately it can imitate life. In architecture, models are used to foresee what a space is to become. When models are no longer precise, they lose their charm. They are no longer intriguing because they cease to give an insight into what a space could be.

I very much enjoyed model making, because there were so many aspects to it. Not only was it a matter of extreme precision and observation, but breaking down ideas of space creatively and altering space in a way that was visually effective was very enjoyable. I found the balance between visual composition and extreme precision of observation and execution to be both demanding and rewarding.


Almost certainly, Fluid Thoughts was the workshop which I found most challenging. Having had experience in drawing, but not experience in drawing instruction, I at first found it extremely difficult to have my drawing style challenged. However, once I tried to apply the new techniques to my drawing I found them an effective supplement to my drawing style. I have definitely felt an improvement in my drawings.

Not only was my drawing style challenged, but also my concept of what drawing was meant to achieve. Having only ever really worked with portraiture, I assumed the main and most important objective was to achieve a likeness. However, Anton and Chrissie talked about the drawings with a more conceptual framework- likening it to certain styles of painting. For me- this strengthened the idea that for a period of time- all architects have to communicate their ideas are drawings. It is imperative that architects seize this tool and use it effectively in a range of different ways. This was reinforced in the 42 daily drawings which allowed me to dabble in different medias and drawing styles- helping me to discern what methods of representation were appropriate for each situation.
I also learned that precision due to astute observation was extremely important. When trying to depict a space- we cannot rely on what our brain thinks a space looks like. Rather we have to challenge what we believe our space to look like through careful observation.